Entrant Profile

Brian Niddery

Location: Oro-medonte, Ontario Canada

Company: Bus Exchange Publications

Profession: Engineer/Designer

Inspired by: If my experience and skills could be used to make things a little better for the environment or in some way improve one's quality of life, by even a little bit, I would be deeply honored and grateful.
As a graduate in automotive design, my early work in aircraft design, and deep involvement in the bus industry over the last 25 years as a industry publisher, market analyst, authoring more than 200 articles, and my work with leading bus manufacturers and parts/component suppliers in North America, Europe and China, has led me on this path to the study and design of the LFT, and the positive benefits it may offer in the years ahead.

2021 Entries

Date Title Category Views Votes
06/24 LFT Zero-Emissions Small Transit Bus Automotive/​Transportation 902 2